

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. The resistance of a metal conductor increases with increasing temperature.
    • A: True
    • B: False
  2. The inductivereactance of a pure inductor is:
    • A: L
    • B: ωL
    • C: 1/ωL
    • D: 1/2πfL
  3. In a sinusoidal AC resistive circuit, the correct relationship between current and voltage is:
    • A: i = U/R
    • B: i= Um/R
    • C: I = U/R
    • D: I = Um/R
  4. In some cases, to shorten the conduction time of a thyristor, the trigger current is increased by two times.
    • A: True
    • B: False
  5. The average value of a half-wave rectified sinusoidal voltage is:
    • A: Vm/π
    • B: Vm/2
    • C: Vm/2π
    • D: Vm/4
  6. The root mean square (RMS) value of a sinusoidal voltage is:
    • A: Vm
    • B: Vm/√2
    • C: Vm/2
    • D: Vm/4
  7. The power factor of a circuit with a resistance R and an inductance L is given by:
    • A: R/L
    • B: L/R
    • C: 1/(R² + L²)
    • D: R/(R² + L²)
  8. The resonant frequency of a series RLC circuit is:
    • A: ωo = √(1/LC)
    • B: ωo = √(LC)
    • C: fo = √(LC)
    • D: fo = 1/(2π√LC)
  9. The impedance of a parallel RLC circuit is given by:
    • A: Z = (R² + (1/ωC)²)/(R + (1/ωC)²)
    • B: Z = √(R² + (1/ωC)²) + (1/ωL)²
    • C: Z = R + (1/ωC)² + (1/ωL)²
    • D: Z = (R² + (1/ωC)²) - (1/ωL)²
  10. The output voltage of a transformer is inversely proportional to its turns ratio.
    • A: True
    • B: False

Answer Key

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. 将十进制数250赋给寄存器R7
  5. A
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. A
  11. A


